
Doctor Tip Sheet – Total Body Health Starts with Stabilization

Custom flexible orthotics and orthotic pillows should be essential components of every healthcare provider’s protocol. Here’s why:

Support for the Weight-Bearing Body – Custom Orthotics:

  1. Stabilizing and Supporting the Body: Custom flexible orthotics are designed to stabilize and support the entire body from the ground up. Nearly everyone experiences some degree of pronation and foot dysfunction, which can disrupt balance and stability. This disruption can lead to pain, limited mobility, and an increased risk of injury. Custom orthotics work to restore proper foot function, reducing discomfort and fatigue, enhancing range of motion, improving sports performance, and promoting overall health.

What to Do:

  • Assess Patients’ Feet: It’s important to assess the feet of every patient who enters your office. Conduct a thorough evaluation to identify any foot-related issues.
  • Review Results with Patients: Share the digital scan or cast results with your patients, explaining the findings and outlining your treatment plan. This helps patients understand the role of custom orthotics in their care.
  • Consider Different Activities: Encourage patients to bring in the shoes they wear most often, as well as those used for specific activities. This allows you to recommend the right custom orthotics for various aspects of their daily life. Suggest multiple pairs or winning combinations that cater to their specific needs.
  • Monitor Usage: Continuously monitor patients’ orthotic break-in and usage. Replace worn orthotics as needed and add additional pairs for new activities or changes in their routine.

Why Your Sole Insole:

Foot Levelers, as a global leader in total body stabilization, offers non-invasive solutions backed by over 70 years of proven science. Their custom orthotics are designed to help healthcare providers achieve optimal results in patient care. Unlike generic orthotics available online or in stores, Foot Levelers’ custom orthotics are tailored to meet each patient’s specific needs, ensuring effectiveness and support.

Incorporating custom flexible orthotics into your practice can significantly enhance patient outcomes, improve overall comfort, and contribute to better health and well-being. It’s an essential element in providing comprehensive care for your patients.

Foot Impression Boxes for Shoe Insole

Support for the body during rest, especially while sleeping, is crucial for overall health and well-being. Orthopedic pillows play a significant role in achieving this support. Here’s what healthcare providers need to know:

Importance of Orthopedic Pillows:

  • A Third of Life in Anti-Gravity Position: Approximately one-third of a person’s life is spent in an anti-gravity position during sleep. Inadequate support for the neck, back, and head during sleep can result in abnormal forces acting on bones and connective tissues. This can lead to unnecessary structural stresses that, if left uncorrected, might hinder the success of chiropractic adjustments and other treatments.
  • Promoting Healthy Alignment: Orthopedic pillows are designed to promote healthy alignment of the back, neck, and head during sleep. They play a vital role in ensuring that patients experience restorative sleep, helping them feel more alert and energized throughout the day.
  • Overall Health Benefits: Proper sleep, facilitated by orthopedic pillows, has several health benefits. It helps boost the immune system, reduce stress, and lower the risk of various conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

What Healthcare Providers Can Do:

  1. Muscle Test with Pillows: Conduct a strength test on your patients, allowing them to feel the difference between their existing pillow and an orthopedic pillow. This hands-on experience can help them understand the importance of proper support during sleep.
  2. 90-Day Challenge: Encourage patients to replace their current pillow with a Foot Levelers orthopedic pillow for a 90-day trial period. Assess the curvature value before and after this period, and engage in conversations with patients about their experiences during this time.
  3. Use the “Is a Cervical Support Pillow Right For You” Quiz: Share this quiz with your patients to help them assess whether they might benefit from an orthopedic pillow. The quiz includes questions about pain, stiffness, tension headaches, arthritis, injuries, weight, mattress age, sleep quality, teeth grinding, and snoring.

By actively engaging with patients and helping them understand the importance of orthopedic pillows in maintaining proper spinal alignment and overall health, healthcare providers can contribute to their patients’ well-being and provide comprehensive care beyond adjustments and treatments.

When patients answer “yes” to any of the questions related to the need for an orthopedic pillow, the next step is to recommend the appropriate Foot Levelers orthopedic pillow for their specific needs. Foot Levelers offers a wide range of pillow options designed to cater to patients of all ages and with various treatment requirements.

Why Your Sole Insole:

  1. Proven Custom Support: Prescribing Your Sole Insole means providing patients with the very best custom support. Foot Levelers’ products are backed by over 70 years of proven scientific research and have gained the trust of healthcare professionals worldwide.
  2. Support for All Three Arches: Foot Levelers is unique in its approach as it is the only provider that supports all three arches of the foot. This comprehensive support contributes to overall body health by promoting proper alignment and reducing stress on various body structures.
  3. Proven Low Back Pain Reduction: Foot Levelers’ orthotics have been clinically shown to reduce Low Back Pain (LBP) by 34.5%. This demonstrates their effectiveness in addressing not only foot-related issues but also their positive impact on overall musculoskeletal health.
  4. Wide Range of Styles: Foot Levelers offers a diverse range of orthotic styles to accommodate the individual preferences and needs of every patient. Whether they require full-length orthotics, 3/4-length options, or other variations, there are choices available.
  5. Tailoring for Optimal Outcomes: Foot Levelers goes the extra mile by offering numerous modifications to tailor orthotics to each patient’s specific requirements. This customization ensures that patients receive the optimal support necessary for their unique conditions and lifestyles.

By recommending Foot Levelers orthopedic pillows and orthotics, healthcare providers can enhance their patient care by providing proven, customized solutions that promote overall health and well-being. These products complement the treatment and adjustments offered in the clinic, contributing to better patient outcomes.


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