Foot Impression Box for Shoe Insole Making Foam Boxes Casting Boxes Custom Clinic Use

Custom Flexible Orthotics Designed for a Modern Woman’s Body and Active Lifestyle

The New 5th Ave Custom Orthotics from Yoursole Insole are designed to provide comfort and support for women in a variety of shoe styles, including flats, 1-inch heels, and 2-inch heels. These custom orthotics are tailored to align women’s feet and help balance their bodies, ultimately promoting postural health and well-being throughout their busy days. By offering custom stabilization, these orthotics aim to reduce pain and fatigue while contributing to better overall health.

Challenges Unique to Women and Their Feet:

  1. Structural Differences: Women have structurally different feet compared to men, and their knee alignments and gait styles also differ. These structural distinctions can make women more susceptible to various foot problems, including bunions, hammer toes, calluses, interdigital neuromas, and metatarsalgia. These issues tend to become more severe as women age.
  2. Footwear Choices: Many popular shoe styles for women do not provide adequate support for their bodies. High-heeled shoes, in particular, can significantly increase stress on the ankles and feet. Research has demonstrated that even a heel as low as 3/4-inch can increase pressure on the forefoot by up to 22%.
  3. Sizing Issues: The way people purchase footwear has evolved, with many now buying shoes online. Unfortunately, this shift has led to cases where individuals wear shoes that are not sized correctly. A study of 356 healthy women revealed that 88% were wearing shoes that were significantly smaller than their actual foot size.

Given these challenges, custom orthotics like the 5th Ave Collection from Yoursole Insole can play a crucial role in providing women with the support they need to maintain foot health, balance, and comfort, especially when wearing a variety of shoe styles. These orthotics are tailored to address the unique needs of women and are designed to promote overall well-being.

Foot Impression Boxes for Shoe Insole


The 5th Avenue Collection from Yoursole Insole is a product line developed specifically for women’s bodies, footwear, and lifestyles. Yoursole Insole has been dedicated to helping female patients reduce pain and fatigue while ensuring they receive proper support. Here are some key highlights:

Pioneering Custom Orthotics for Women:

  1. First Custom Orthotic for Women: Yoursole Insole was a pioneer in designing the first custom orthotic specifically for female patients back in the 1980s. This marked a significant advancement in addressing the unique needs of women when it comes to orthotic support.
  2. Innovations and Improvements: Over the years, Yoursole Insole has continually improved its custom orthotics for women, aiming for the best possible results. The company is committed to staying at the forefront of orthotic technology to better serve female patients.

Support and Style Combined:

  1. Orthotics for High-Heeled Shoes: Yoursole Insole was the first company to design custom orthotics for high-heeled shoes. This innovation allows women to wear the footwear they love, including high heels, while still enjoying the benefits of spinal pelvic stability.

The 5th Avenue Collection is a testament to Yoursole Insole’ dedication to providing women with custom orthotics that not only offer essential support but also allow them to express their personal style and lifestyles through their footwear choices. It’s about combining fashion with comfort and stability for the modern woman.




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