Doctor Tip Sheet – The Three Arches of the Foot

Why they are crucial to your patient care – enlightening individuals about the significance of the 3-arch disparityWhile the majority are aware of the existence of arches in their feet, there is a prevalent misconception that each foot possesses only a single arch. It is imperative for the effectiveness of your treatment that your patients are well-informed that each foot actually harbors three distinct arches, each playing a unique role in maintaining equilibrium and stability. The absence of proper support for all three arches can lead to suboptimal balance, potentially jeopardizing the outcome of your care.Moreover, each arch plays a pivotal role in supporting the optimal function of specific primary or secondary muscle groups:Medial Longitudinal Arch

  • Tibialis Anterior, Tibialis Posterior
  • Iliopsoas

Lateral Longitudinal Arch

  • Peronei Longus, Brevis, Tertius
  • Gluteus Medius and Minimus

Anterior Transverse Arch

  • Flex, Digitorum-Longus and Brevis, Lumbricals and Interossei
  • Quadriceps and Hamstrings

Educating patients about the importance of accurate alignment and support for their foot structure serves several purposes:

  • Establishing a link between foot alignment and overall well-being
  • Enhancing their understanding of the necessity for tailored, flexible orthotics that cater to all three foot arches
  • Encouraging consistent usage of their customized orthotics
  • Ensuring the most favorable outcomes from their personalized orthotics and chiropractic care

Evaluate the feet of each patient without exception

Incorporate foot assessment as a standard component of every patient’s treatment regimen. Practically everyone exhibits some degree of overpronation and requires specialized, adaptable orthotics that uphold all three arches to reinstate proper alignment. Following the assessment of the patient’s feet:

  • Present them with an illustration delineating the three arches of the foot and elucidate the concept of the plantar vault
  • Share the findings of the foot evaluation with the patient
  • Engage in a dialogue regarding their level of instability and its ramifications on their current and future physical well-being
  • Elaborate on the necessity for custom orthotics to accommodate all their activities and recommend the most suitable orthotic solution for the patient.

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Patient Education Tools

Here are some conversation starters and suggested information to assist patients in grasping the significance of aligning all three of their arches correctly:

  1. Introduction to the Three Arches:
    • Did you know that your foot has three arches?
    • Just like in architecture, the curve of an arch enhances the strength and stability of a structure. Your feet, which support your entire body, also feature these arches.
  2. The Natural Arch Decline:
    • With the passage of time, it’s common for these arches to lose their shape.
    • The arch tissue should ideally be elastic, similar to a bowstring. However, various factors like injury, obesity, pregnancy, and arthritis can cause this tissue to lose its elasticity, leading to sagging and collapse.
  3. Impact of Arch Collapse:
    • When your arches collapse, it can destabilize your entire body.
    • Arch collapse is often a gradual process, and you may not feel it happening. However, the absence of proper arch support can be a root cause of pain in other areas of your body, such as your hips, knees, and back.
  4. Irreversible Nature of Arch Collapse:
    • Once your arches have collapsed, there is no exercise or brace that can permanently restore their elasticity and proper position.
    • Surgical procedures aimed at reconstructing the arches are often painful, involve lengthy recovery and rehabilitation, and come with no guarantees of success.
  5. The Role of Custom Flexible Orthotics:
    • Custom flexible orthotics offer a painless, non-invasive, and convenient solution for aligning your feet and stabilizing your body.
    • For over 70 years, Foot Levelers custom flexible orthotics have been trusted by patients worldwide. They have reported experiencing less pain and fatigue, increased mobility, improved sports performance, and more.
    • As your healthcare provider, I can prescribe the right Foot Levelers orthotics for your specific needs and guide you in achieving excellent results with them.


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