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The Prevalence of Back Pain in Our Society

Here’s a preview of the breakthrough article titled “Impact of Back Pain in the Workplace”, which discusses how chiropractors can collaborate with employers to deliver more effective and affordable healthcare:

As chiropractors, we have the privilege of treating a wide range of health issues. Among the numerous complaints we address regularly are neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, hip pain, knee pain, and many others. What makes these various ailments intriguing is the intricate interconnection between different parts of the body. We’ve all observed how the feet serve as the foundation of the body, and any dysfunction in the foot’s three arches can potentially lead to a plethora of pain and problems, either at the time of the patient’s initial visit or in the future.

Nowhere is this interconnectedness more apparent than in cases of lower back pain, which flood into our clinics. Lower back pain has often been dubbed the chiropractor’s “bread and butter.” It’s a description that’s difficult to dispute, given that it appears to be the primary area of the body for which chiropractors are renowned. Even individuals with limited exposure to chiropractic care tend to associate us primarily with back pain treatment, though our scope of practice extends far beyond this. Through our unique care model, we can assume the role of a strategic partner in proactive health and overall bodily well-being, a distinctive position that other healthcare providers cannot easily replicate.

From our early days in chiropractic college, we are acutely aware of the prevalence of lower back pain in society. This understanding only becomes more reinforced as we gain experience in clinical practice. Most of us can readily recall the statistic that 80% of individuals will experience lower back pain at some point in their lives.

In 2023, the United Nations estimated the population of the United States to be 340 million people. That’s a substantial number of individuals who may develop or currently suffer from lower back pain. Symptoms can range from a simple, localized dull ache to a severe, radiating pain. It may be intermittent or persistent, to the extent that it disrupts basic daily activities.

For the purposes of this discussion, our focus will be on the impact of lower back pain in the workplace.

Back issues are one of the most common complaints among patients when they consult their primary care physicians, often resulting in missed workdays and reduced productivity.

Many patients have already sought the advice of primary care providers, orthopedists, physical therapists, or other healthcare professionals before turning to chiropractic care. They frequently describe being drawn into a seemingly endless cycle of medical treatments involving medications, procedures, and surgeries that ultimately do not yield the desired results.

Both employers and employees need to recognize that there is a superior alternative for addressing back pain, and this is where chiropractic care enters the picture.

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The Value of Non-Invasive Care:

In the realm of medical procedures, invasive measures are characterized by interventions that necessitate breaking the skin in some manner. This broad category encompasses extensive surgeries and numerous diagnostic tests, including spinal surgery and epidural steroid injections. It’s noteworthy that certain medications commonly prescribed or utilized in healthcare, such as opioids, acetaminophen, and NSAIDs, also fall into this category.

It’s important to recognize that the procedures mentioned above often come with significant side effects. While invasive procedures and medications may be essential in specific cases, they carry substantial costs, inherent risks, and frequently fail to offer a lasting solution to the patient’s pain or overall health issues.

Non-invasive procedures are gaining popularity as a preferable alternative. These procedures are defined as any medical intervention that avoids breaking the skin. They encompass a range of approaches, including various imaging studies (such as X-rays, ultrasound, MRI, and CT scans) and conservative treatments that do not require incisions or tissue removal. Chiropractic care, acupuncture, and massage therapy serve as examples.

Recent data suggests that chiropractic care and non-invasive treatments are not only more cost-effective for employers and consumers but also lead to quicker recovery and enhanced overall satisfaction and well-being.

As chiropractors, we have the ability to address foot alignment and its impact on various aspects of bodily function, including balance, gait, and weight-bearing. Through the assessment of conditions like overpronation, we can non-invasively and painlessly restore the proper alignment of the three arches comprising the plantar vault using Foot Levelers custom flexible orthotics. It’s worth noting that Foot Levelers orthotics are distinctive in that they provide support for all three arches of the foot.

This approach is rooted in sound scientific principles and has demonstrated its effectiveness through decades of use by millions of doctors and patients worldwide. Research has indicated that Foot Levelers custom orthotics, when combined with chiropractic care, resulted in a 34.5% reduction in back pain and a 32.3% improvement in function.


Employers and their employees can reap significant benefits from non-invasive chiropractic care.

The continuous rise in healthcare costs is a growing concern for individuals and employers alike. Average consumers have experienced increasing deductibles and copays, coupled with a perception of diminishing covered services. Employers who provide insurance for their workforce have also faced these challenges, particularly in recent years. Cost containment and financial viability are constant considerations for employers, with larger companies being particularly impacted due to their extensive workforce.

However, it’s essential not to limit our focus to just medium to large corporations or professional sports teams when discussing employers. According to Forbes Magazine’s “2023 Forbes Advisor,” 99.9% of businesses in the United States fall into the category of small businesses, totaling 33.2 million establishments. Nearly half of the U.S. workforce, comprising 61.7 million workers, is employed by these small businesses.2 This means that a substantial portion of the workforce is employed by companies with limited budgets for healthcare plans or human resource departments that may not have the resources to navigate employee healthcare effectively. Chiropractors are uniquely positioned to offer the assistance these workers need.

Employers find themselves at a crossroads as they grapple with the upward trend in insurance costs. This trajectory is unsustainable, necessitating a shift in thinking for businesses of all sizes. Back pain is a prevalent issue in the workplace and a significant contributor to employee absenteeism.

The key is to provide a treatment approach that facilitates rapid healing while controlling costs. Given that traditional medical interventions have often yielded less-than-optimal results in achieving these objectives, it’s time to prioritize non-invasive therapies as the initial line of treatment and intervention.

Employers are actively seeking to incorporate point solutions into their benefits strategies.

Point solutions are specific services within a benefits program that address particular conditions, filling gaps in the available care options. These services are provided by vetted vendors, ensuring standards of performance, outcomes, and return on investment (ROI). By incorporating such services, employers can enhance their core health benefits programs and significantly impact employee health. This opportunity is accessible to employers of all sizes.

Among the array of non-invasive options available, chiropractic care and custom foot stabilization stand out as effective tools for helping employees recover faster, reducing overall medical costs, and fostering a healthier, more content workforce with reduced absenteeism. Additionally, employees are likely to be more productive when they are in good health. In an ideal scenario, not only would we aim to expedite the recovery of injured workers, but also to reduce the risk of future injuries—a level of healthcare that is well within our reach.


Chiropractors can collaborate effectively with employers to achieve cost-saving and worker health objectives. Here are some key benefits to consider:

  1. Treating the Root Cause: Chiropractic care addresses the underlying causes of ailments, promoting faster recovery with fewer permanent residuals.
  2. Cost-Effective Care: Chiropractic care is generally more cost-effective than invasive procedures, avoiding expensive surgeries, prolonged recovery periods, drug prescriptions, and the potential for medication addiction.
  3. Empowering Patients: Chiropractors educate patients on self-care through home exercises and self-help strategies, enabling them to take an active role in their well-being.
  4. Workplace Ergonomics: Chiropractors can teach patients about proper workplace ergonomics, encompassing standing, sitting, lifting techniques, and safe execution of job-specific tasks.
  5. Healthier Workforce, Reduced Medical Costs: Healthier employees require fewer medical services, leading to cost savings for employers.
  6. Proactive Health Management: Ongoing chiropractic care empowers patients to proactively manage their health, reducing the risk of future issues.

Now is the opportune time for chiropractors to engage with employers, regardless of the company’s size, and educate them about the advantages of chiropractic care. Many individuals worldwide remain unfamiliar with the benefits chiropractic can offer. Employers, human resources departments, and decision-makers often lack knowledge about chiropractic and how to access chiropractic services.

Numerous opportunities exist within your practice’s geographical area. Businesses of all types can benefit from chiropractic services. Consider manufacturing facilities, restaurants, local sports teams, warehouses, and other companies in your vicinity. Even national chain businesses can be approached to provide chiropractic services at one or more locations.

An emerging trend is the establishment of on-site or near-site clinics by companies, providing convenient care covered by the employer for workers and their families. If chiropractic services are integrated into such programs, your clinic could serve as a near-site or off-site location. This not only allows you to treat employees but also opens doors to providing care for their entire families, including services such as kids’ sports physicals and prenatal care.

Encourage your creativity to think about ways to introduce chiropractic care to businesses in your local area. Collaborate with them to achieve their goals, including improved safety, productivity, cost savings, better health outcomes, and reduced turnover. By demonstrating the value of chiropractic care, you can establish mutually beneficial partnerships with employers and contribute to the well-being of their workforce.


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